Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Million Years

... That's how long I feel like it's been since I've updated this poor, neglected blog. I thought an update was WAY passed due.

The last thing everyone read about was how my little bundle of joy has an extra appendage, creating the conclusion that Goy is a boy. Goy has in fact been Jack for almost 2 months now. Incredible how time flies, really. Just wish it would fly a little faster because I am SO over Organic Chemistry and Genetics. I can't wait to go home and spend a full month doing NOTHING. My mom says she's not going to let me do nothing, but we'll see what happens.

As of yesterday, I hit 26 weeks pregnant. According to BabyGaga, THIS is the last week of my second trimester. According to BabyCenter, NEXT weeks (week 27) is the end of my second trimester. I'm more inclined to trust BabyCenter. Seems more... professional. Either way, I'm on the home stretch of my second trimester, ready to enter into the third and FINAL installment of my pregnancy! This one goes by the slowest, so I've heard. But, thankfully, with school keeping me busy, everything seems to go by pretty quickly. Don't think this will change just because the Time Fairy knows I'm entering my third trimester.

I'm not sure if I expressed on here the worry we (my family and I) were going through thinking about summer from a financial point of view. Summer financial aid is not typically given with awards and grants few and far between. With summer classes at about $1,500 and campus housing around $2,500, no financial aid was going to be a HUGE deal. But my mom said, "Don't worry about it. We will find a way to pay for everything. God will provide." And He certainly did.

Housing Miracle: I had recently reconnected with an old friend from Orlando when I found out she was at UF. We hadn't spent much time together when she asked me what my housing situation was for the summer. After telling her my arrangements, she asked me if I would like to use her apartment (about a ten minute walk from classes) for the summer for the cost of utilities and only utilities. I said hell yeah, pretty much.

Financial Aid Miracle: When I expressed my distress to Courtney, she told me that I still could apply for summer financial aid. So I checked the box that said, "Apply for Summer Financial Aid" and waited for a result. I got grants. Lots of grants. Over $2000 of grants. Go figure. Now I have enough to pay for my housing and my tuition all from grants. God's pretty cool, right?

Onto news about the baby.

My pregnancy has stayed very easy and simple with no complications. Jack is super healthy, a little on the big side (I knew BD [baby daddy] was going to have been a whale baby, making our baby a whale baby since I TOO was a whale baby), and already super fun :) I think he's doing some kind of dance in my womb, maybe it's the salsa, maybe it's the mamba. I can't decide. I know it's something zippy. I love going to my Doctor's appointments and getting to hear his incredible heart beat. I also know he's going to come out and Organic Chemistry and Genetics genius since it's what he gets to hear about ALL summer.

Today I had my first big scare. Well, it really started while I was sleeping. I woke up at around 3:30 am in horrible pain. It felt like what I would imagine to be a contraction. It didn't subside and then come back like they are supposed to; it was strong and steady for about 2 minutes until I finally decided to get out of bed. It stopped immediately. I didn't really think anything of it because I know that Braxton Hicks contractions are really common. However, I was informed the next day (today) that Braxton Hicks contractions aren't supposed to hurt. Then I got thinking about the fact that I hadn't felt Jack move for a while. I started paying close attention to my tummy while in class and afterwards, and still there was nothing. Normally he is practicing his dance routine while I'm in class (it's his only form of entertainment when I'm busy and can't talk to him, poke him, or prod him). I started to freak out and decided it was time to call the doctor. They transfered me over the Labor and Delivery in the hospital. The nurse I spoke with told me that I should come in to get monitored. So I found a ride to the hospital and got all hooked up to the monitor when the little trickster started moving around. Go figure. Turns out he is just as healthy now as he was before, and my "contraction" was probably caused by his body putting serious pressure on some nerves in my abdomen. Needless to say, I'm extremely relieved. I guess Jack just wanted some attention since all I've been doing lately is studying. "Mom... mom.... MOM! Okay, that's it... it's time to scare her into paying attention to me." Something like that, I would imagine.

In other news, my due date was changed to September 7th when I had my ultrasound. I was very happy about that because it gave me a a LITTLE more leeway with my summer classes-pregnancy debacle. My baby shower is still set for the 14th of August, and my registries are still at Babies'R'Us and Target listed under Alex Conte. There are a FEW things on an amazon registry, but mostly stuff that is on the other two, but at a lower price. OH! I bought Jack's crib :) Most of it was a gift (I was given a $100 check for the baby, the crib was on super sale for $150). I'm very excited about it. It's beautiful and a 4-in-1, so it should last Jack his entire life!

Just imagine it with blue bedding :) It's going to be spectacular. I'm super bummed that I have to wait so long to set it up ("we", mostly meaning my parents when I'm not visiting, are still living in the one bedroom duplex in the Island while our actual house is being rented out). But once August gets here, it's going up! I can't wait to get Jack's room put together. 

In other news, my family is starting to get excited about Jack's arrival. My mom is EXTREMELY excited. Whenever I meet someone new, she says, "This is my daughter, Alex; and this (pointing to my stomach) is my grandson, Jack!" It's really cute. My dad is also starting to get really psyched and he is very happy that there will be a guy to carry on the Conte name. My grandparents are definitely USED to the idea and they seem ready to meet the little guy. Overall, everyone is ready for him to get here! 

Well, I have to return to the droll life of studying. I hope I've talked about all the important stuff. Sorry it had been so long since I'd written! I'll try not to let it be so long until the next update :) Ciao! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Could I Be More Excited?

I absolutely cannot wait for it to be at LEAST August 5th (marking the end of the summer semester when I finally get to go home for five months). I will sufficiently giant by then, with all of the horrible companions of pregnancy. My friends will include back pain, extra swollen feet, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, shortness of breath, hot flashes, moodiness, exhaustion, and plenty more, I'm sure.

The big news is that I've set my baby shower date. It is August 14th :) I'm registered at Babies"R"Us and Target! Both of them are listed under Alex Conte. So exciting! I'm so impatient to meet little Jack. I can only imagine how handsome he is going to be.

New development? I've become completely freaked out thinking about child birth. I can tell that when I realize I'm going into labor, I'm going to cry just THINKING about the events that are in my pathway. Of course, Jack as the end result  will make everything totally worth it, but I wish he would just diffuse out of my body.

Other big news? My best friend (you know, the one I've known since she was born only a few, short months after me?) is having her second child. She is due two weeks after me. We've always dreamt about having babies at the same time and now it is actually happening! I'm super happy about that :) If she is having a girl, we are going to have her marry Jack. Prearranged marriages still happen all the time! ... Don't look at me like that. Of course I'm joking, but it would be lovely if they fell in love and got married. But, that is way down the road.

I must go now and watch "Modern Family" with Courtney. I love this show! Au revoir!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's A....

BOY! If you didn't guess by the change of the blog name :) I'm so thrilled. Now that I know he's a boy, I think, deep down, I WANTED a boy.

It was incredible to see my baby up on the screen. It was surreal. I had to keep reminding myself that that was MY baby, that image up there was coming from INSIDE of me. It was the single most incredible thing I've ever seen. My mom was with me and my roommate, Courtney. The ultrasound tech checked all of his organs and we saw his little heart beating :) It was so cool. Jack's doing just fine, all snuggled up in there. I'm a week behind what I thought, so on Wednesday I'll be 19 weeks, instead of being 20 weeks today. My due date is now September 7th. I'm glad that it's a week later than I thought because that's not pushing it QUITE so close to the end of my summer classes. However, I am sad that it's not so close to my daddy's birthday. I was hoping Jack would have the same birthday. But, oh well!

So, here he is, little baby Jack!
I can't believe that precious thing is in my belly! I love him so much already. I can't wait to meet him.
Well, I need to get back to homework! Ciao! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Goy's Debut

Today is the last full day that this blog will be titled "Goy's Debut". At 1:30pm tomorrow, I have my very first ultrasound! After that, this will be either "Stella's Debut" or "Jack's Debut". How exciting :)

On Friday, I had a routine prenatal check up and I got a recording of the heartbeat. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook have already heart it. But, for the rest of you, here it is!

Well, I will post tomorrow after the ultrasound. Today is the last day to vote on the sex, so, if you haven't done it, now is the time!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Three days until my birthday and doctor's appointment! Can't wait to hear Goy's little heartbeat.

Then....... drumroll.......


Goy seems to be growing steadily.

Today, I'm 19 weeks pregnant. Goy's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, touch, taste, hearing, and vision. Goy weighs about 8.5 oz and is 6 inches from head to rump. Goy's arms and legs are the right proportions now! Goy's kidneys are still making urine and Goy is sprouting hair. Vernix caseosa (a waxy covering) is forming on Goy's skin to protect the skin from the amniotic fluid.

That's for those of you who don't have me on FaceBook.

Well, I have to get back to chemistry study. SO OVER THIS CLASS. The next time I post will probably be after my birthday. Thennnnn, it'll almost be time to call Goy either Stella or Jack!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Have a Dream...

...that one day, all babies will be created equal!

Okay, so really, I did have a dream. It wasn't a dream meant to inspire, though. My dream won't make you wanna grab a picket sign, go to a restaurant and not eat, or put yourself at the end of a water hose nozzle next to biting dogs. But it might make you laugh.

As goes with most dreams, I don't remember the beginning. The earliest part I remember is the entrance of Stella. I was walking around my house, which seemed to be a very familiar place, like one of my old houses, when Stella just kind of plopped out. I must have told her that it wasn't time, so she went back in. This happened a couple more times. Maybe she found entering and exiting through my vagina to be entertaining. I'll never know. Finally, she decided that she didn't want to go back in, so Stella finally made her last trip through the birth canal. None of this seemed to hurt me. It was as easy as.... well... pie, as the saying goes. And I was just hanging out and walking around while Stella was doing this, by the way. I didn't seem to be very attentive to the fact that my child was being "born". Thankfully, JUST a dream.

So, I've we've discussed, Stella is now here... and walking around. Stella was not born a new born. No, Stella was probably around one and a half, maybe two. She was definitely walking, and she did communicate fairly well, as far as I remember. You'd think birthing a child the size of a one and half/two year old would be painful. Guess not. But back to the dream. So here was Stella, just kind of chillin' out with mommy like a big girl. I remember being kind of sad that I didn't get to have her in the newborn stage, or the beginning of the toddler stage, or experience anything that happens before the age she was at currently. But I also felt kind of relieved that it wouldn't be such a stressful start to being a mommy.

Next thing I know, there's a full blown cookout/get together going on at my house. Not sure how it happened or when it started, but I'm assuming it was a celebration for Stella. Since she wasn't a normal newborn, she got to enjoy the festivities, as well. I remember at one point being on one of those swinging bridges with her, but it was a play bridge, we weren't actually high up or anything. Then I remember her giving me a big grin through a railing, like she was on the other side of a staircase from me or something to that effect. Either way, I remember thinking about beautiful she was and how much I loved her. OH! Something totally weird, she had a super blonde head of thick, beautiful curls that women would DIE for.
The curls were like that, but about shoulder length on her and super blonde. Of course, no child of mine would be super blonde. I guess she could have incredible curls, though. I remember her being a beautiful child (of course I'm gonna think that any child of mine is beautiful), but, other than the hair, I don't remember specifics.

Sometime during the get together, I went to put Stella down for a nap. A thought came to my dream mind that I felt like she had been in my life forever, but it was all still new to me at the same time. As I was laying her down my bed, I realized that I was in my old room from the house we (mom, dad, sister, and I) lived in in Maitland. We moved out of there and left for Colorado right after I turned fifteen, so it was shocking, and wonderful, to be back, especially since I've driven by there in the past three years and the entire house has been torn down and rebuilt. Assholes.

One part stands out to me, and I can't remember if it was before or after the nap. But I remember feeling like I was a bad mom at one point, because Stella was doing something kind of dangerous and someone had to tell me to go get her. I should have been paying more attention and it made me feel really terrible. I think it was when she was looking at me through the railing, as I described earlier. Once againt, Thankfully it's JUST A DREAM.

Also, like most dreams, I don't remember it ending. I imagine it ended abruptly due to my alarm going off, but perhaps not. If anymore comes to me, I will add it to this update.

I feel like this is kind of a milestone because this is the first dream I've had about the baby itself after birth, and not just about being pregnant. Also, I know she was Stella in this dream. Obviously, she was a girl. But I also called her Stella. She knew this was her name. How cool is that?

I'll leave you with a quote:
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Amen to that. You tell 'em, MLK.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's A Good Thing...

...that I really don't have much to say because this means Goy is healthy. My days have been going on as usual, with a bit more cramping, swelling, and lower back pain. However, for the most part, I can't complain.

I'm spending a long weekend at home. Courtney graciously let me hitch a ride with her :) If you want to do something, just call me!

My birthday/doctor's appointment is thirteen days! Even more exciting, my ultrasound is sixteen days away! I'm sure you are all sick of hearing a countdown, though. But I really have nothing else to say. I'll update later when something interesting happens. Sorry for being so boring!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Almost There

Yesterday, I hit 17 weeks pregnant. Only three more weeks 'til the halfway point! Every time I go through another week, I feel like I've accomplished something. Here's what I posted yesterday for 17 weeks:
Today, I'm 17 weeks pregnant. Goy's skeleton is hardening into bone. Goy is about 5 inches from head to rump and weighs 5 ounces. Goy's sweat glands are starting to develop AND Goy can now move his/her little joints.
Here are some pictures from the other day. All taken 16 weeks, 6 days.

I should start to feel Goy move soon. However, they say that if it's a person's first pregnancy, they could mistake baby movement for gas! I will probably be one of these people ha ha ha.

I will be home this weekend. Make sure to give me a call if you want to hang out. I'll be home Friday around 3ish and will be leaving Monday around noon. Then only one weekend stuck in Gainesville (which I will be spending apartment hunting with my rad roomie, Courtney) 'til I'm back for my birthday! Speaking of birthday, that's my next doctor's appointment. I may have already said this, but I'll make sure to get a recording of the heart beat up here so you can all hear it. Then, after Organic Chemistry, my mom and I will be on our way to Anna Maria. I think I'm gonna have a beach day Saturday with Britnifer and some friends to celebrate the start of my 23rd year on earth. Let me know if you want to come! I should be looking rather whalish by then, thanks to Goy's growing little body.

Well, this pointless class is almost over, so farewell!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Back to school after a great weekend at home! Unfortunately, I'm really hurting today. I feel like my left shoulder/shoulder blade is going to fall off. I'm not sure if it has to do with my collar bone having been broken when I was little. But carrying my backpack is like torture. I'm sure it has to do with Goy getting bigger, with my body just changing in general. Speaking of Goy, the little boogar is going through a growth spurt and I can feel my uterus stretching, which is not a jolly feeling. AND I'm having weird intestinal stuff going on. I don't even know how to explain the feeling. It's in between my stomach and chest. It's almost like a bloated feeling. And I can't eat much or I'm just not hungry. I felt famished this morning and when I stopped to eat breakfast, I ate about a quarter of my food and felt like I was going to EXPLODE. I need a nap.

But let's talk about Goy. I changed the boy name. The change was inspired by my father, only because he HATES the name Jasper. When I told him my names, he was horrified. "Jasper? Why would anyone who had a choice of what to name their kid name him JASPER? That's not a good Italian name!" He said it with some humor in his voice. We aren't really concerned with the names being super Italian ha ha. But, I decided that I didn't want my dad to hate his first grandchild's name (assuming that Goy is a boy). Therefore, I've changed it to... DRUMROLL... Jack Alexander Conte. And what I love even MORE is that his initials will be J.A.C. I was thinking about Jude, but I've just ALWAYS loved the name Jack. My mom has decided (if Goy is a girl) that her nickname will be Snack Pack, all derived from her initials, SNC. Gotta love my momma.

In other news, my 22nd birthday is just around the corner, about two and a half weeks away! On my birthday (the 8th) is my next doctor's appointment and I will hear Goy's heartbeat again. This time I will make sure to get a recording and post it on here so you can all hear it. Then, three days later (after a weekend at home celebrating the start of my 23rd year) I HAVE MY ULTRASOUND! Exactly three weeks from today.

I'm getting bigger and bigger everrrrry day. I'll make sure to post some belly pictures soon. That's all I have for now! Ciao!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sweet Tooth

I made the worst decision of my LIFE a couple days ago. We are doing this project in Health class where each student has to do something as a "lifestyle change" for three weeks. It can be adding exercise, smoking less, eating differently... you get the point. WELL, I chose to give up sweets and anything with excess added sugar. And, to add to it, I bet Ben that I could do it. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! What pregnant lady wants to give up warm cookies, milk chocolate, gooey oatmeal with lots of brown sugar, highly processed foods with lots of unneeded sugar... KETCHUP?! I love ketchup. I eat it on eggs, I eat it on chicken (any chicken), I eat it with steak (depending on the cut), fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, meatloaf, and I can't even force myself to eat fish without ketchup. The list could go on. Not to mention, I have the world's largest sweet tooth. I adore chocolate, gummies, licorice (only red, not black... ewww), ice cream, or just a spoon full of sugar (which doesn't really help the medicine go down because it gets stuck in your throat). Thankfully, I've been really good at limiting myself from these delicious delicacies (or delicious, generic, sugary, empty calorie products) so that I don't gain extra baby weight. But to cut myself off completely? What was I thinking? I think the pregnancy is making me lose it a little... maybe I'm not all there. MAYBE I'm using too much brain power towards school and the baby, and I don't have any left for regular life. Either that or something unnatural influenced my decision. And what's even worse: I'm going home this weekend (I'm already all booked, so don't ask to hang out!) and my old job has the BEST FREAKING COOKIES EVER (since they got the new baker). They are ooey, gooey, melt-in-your-mouth, and absolutely tasty. I crave them. I love them. I might as well dream about them! If Ben weren't cuter and more talkative than the cookie, I might have decided to date the cookie instead (however, that would have been a short lived relationship. I don't think it could have lasted after the cookie past through my digestive system). Alas, I might have to lose this one...

On a different note... 165 days left until my due date! Also super exciting, 24 days left until my ultrasound. I can't wait to see my little baby on that screen (and find out if Goy is a boy or girl). This is going to be a BIG first in my life. I imagine that nothing will ever quite match the feeling I'll have with my ultrasound to see my first child. And I'm not sure if I could possible be more excited. Any moms out there, how did you feel at your first ultrasound?

Well, class is about to get out (have I ever mentioned that this is a boring, pointless class), so I bid you adieu! Have a fantastic weekend, I know I will.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time is Flying

I think today has been a good day. I got to sleep until eleven (thank God)! Goy and I have been in great need of that. I did a lot of homework for Health class. I forgot that Buggy ruined my scantron for my midterm, and was rudely reminded today when I went to fill it out. I got to tell my teacher that my dog really did eat my homework. That's a dream come true.

So, I had to fill out a new one after class. Then, some of us from class, did a trivia thing to raise money for March of Dimes and I actually had a really good time and met some cool girls. We ended up with zero points after betting all of ours, but who cares?

I believe in my last post, I mentioned the new toy box (currently being used as a chest in my room until Goy gets here) that my mom bought us at a garage sale. Here's a picture!

It's so practical and I love it! It's not girly or boyish, so it works really well since I'm not sure which Goy will be (only 27 days left 'til I find out!).
For those of you that don't have me on Facebook, here's today's big update: I'm officially SIXTEEN weeks pregnant! I can't believe how fast this is going. I remember how excited I was when I hit eight weeks, because that felt like a milestone to me. And now I'm DOUBLE that! Before I know it, I'll be twenty weeks and will no longer be calling my baby by the name of Goy, it will be Stella or Jasper.

As of today: Goy is starting to grow toenails! ♥ Goy's heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day through the tiny 4.5 inch body (from head to rump). Goy weighs about 3.5 ounces. In the next few weeks, Goy will double in weight and add a few inches to body length. In the next few weeks, I'll start to feel Goy move. I CANNOT WAIT TO FEEL GOY MOVE! It's going to be incredible.

My bump is starting to get bigger. I'll take pictures soon. I'm hoping that this "fat or pregnant" stage is ALMOST over. It should be since Goy's about to start growing really fast. I'm happy that my belly is growing because that means Goy is growing which is usually a good sign of a healthy baby :)

Well, it's time for me to say goodnight. I have a long day tomorrow. Au revoir!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I've written. I'm really sorry. I know I said I could write every day over spring break (and I could have) but I was having so much fun doing NOTHING! I had a great time over spring break and I wish I had another week left. And I'm so behind on everything. EVERYTHING!

Goy and I got a lot of rest this past week. Or maybe we didn't. I'm not sure. We definitely hung out with a lot of people. And met some new people. And started great relationships :) Also, my mom bought Goy a toy box that I'm using as a trunk in my dorm room for now! I will upload a picture later.

Tomorrow, I will be sixteen weeks pregnant! And today marks exactly four weeks until I find out if Goy is Stella or Jasper. I'm so excited.

Well, I'm about to get out of class, which means I have to wrap this up (ha ha, oops). When I get time later, I'll write more. Sorry for the hiatus!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I have sufficient time to write a nice, long, blog.

I got home Friday evening around ten, thanks to my ride, Joe. That's an interesting story... the way I got the ride, not the ride home itself.

How I Got Home: My mom informed me weeks ago that she wouldn't be able to pick me up for spring break. See, none of this would be a problem to begin with if my car hadn't broken down for good the first time I went to go home. But, alas, that DID happen, so it DID cause a problem. Like I said, my mom couldn't pick me up. Her hospitable self had been working on a wedding (it took place yesterday) for days and didn't have seven hours to share with the road to and from Gainesville. I told her that I would probably be able to hitch a ride with my rad roomie, Courtney, since she lives in Sarasota. However, Courtney had the audacity to not go straight home for spring break. Imagine that! So, my mom expressed her stressed schedule to a friend of hers with a "to top it all off, Alex doesn't have a ride home..." Well, apparently her friend's son goes to school in Georgia and was going to be on the road home that day, as well. Super weird part: he and my roomie went to school together. So, needless to say, I hitched a ride with him.

After I arrived home, I spent a couple hours with Kalli. However, my pregnant self doesn't like to stay out super late, so I was home and in bed by 12:30 am. Saturday (the next day) I ended up helping with the wedding.

How I Got Roped Into the Wedding: Needless to say, I hadn't done laundry in a while. A big reason for my lack of laundering was due to my enormous, disgusting, horrifying Organic Chemistry exam that took place at 4 o'clock pm on the last day of school before spring break. HOW AWFUL. But back to the laundry... Like I said, I was too busy studying night and day to do laundry (plus, why pay to do it at school when you can take it home and do it for free?) So when I woke up Saturday morning/afternoon decided to call my mom and ask her if I could come do laundry at the house where the wedding took place (it's actually our house, but we are renting it out for season and staying in a little one bedroom apartment/duplex on the Island.... thank God for my little dorm room!) Yes, indeed, I could come over and do laundry. I got there at about noon, noon thirty... and didn't leave until 8 that night! Ask me why. Okay, I'll tell you... While my laundry was in the process of being laundered, I decided that I would help with some of the food prep. My mom always helps me, so I figured that I would help her. Well, I ended up actually having fun helping. So I stayed for a little while longer. Then, I decided that I wanted to watch the wedding ceremony (which almost made me cry even though I didn't know the bride or groom at all... it's just my pregnancy hormone... sigh...). Then I decided that I couldn't miss the reception! Why leave at the most fun time? Needless to say, I ended up helping throughout the whole wedding. But I had a lot of fun and I got to help my mom and hang out with her. I tell you what, though... my feet and my back were absolutely killing me. Goy's little (almost) 4 inch self is really taking a toll on my comfort. But, it will all be worth it. And helping my mom was worth the pain. I love to see her in her element, doing what she loves with the help of people who love her.

I got my Medicaid cards the other day. I was wondering why I had received two envelopes that said something about Medicaid cards being enclosed... until I opened the first one and saw that it was for "Baby of Alexandra Conte". HOW CUTE IS THAT?

Today, I'm getting my hair cut, thank God. It's been long awaited. I'm getting rid of all this nasty, dead hair. Then dinner with Lori, Johnny, and Aiden :) Loving Spring Break.

Well, that's really all I have right now. Not much of a baby update, but there isn't much to say. I believe Goy is doing swimmingly (yes, pun intended) and my belly is getting a little bigger, but not noticeably. I'm still in the "is she fat or pregnant?" stage. Oh well. "This too shall pass"... right? Au revoir!

P.S. How far along should I be when I have my baby shower?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Break!

Thank God, it is almost here. Twenty four more hours and I will be free. First, I have to get through two morning classes and my 4 o'clock Organic Chemistry exam (fingers crossed that I do well on this one! The last one was not so pretty). I'm ready for a time of rest and relaxation (although I do have some homework to do over the break). My plans consist of no more than bbqing, going to the beach, and whatever comes my way. Goy and I are ready for some sunshine and friends :) Then, upon return to school, I'll only have four weeks 'til my ultrasound!

Well, off to Orgo tutoring. Hooray! Not.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not Much Time...

...But I'll do a really tiny update.

For those of you don't see me on Facebook:
(This was from yesterday). Today, I'm 14 weeks pregnant. It is the start of my second trimester! Goy can squint, grimace, pee, frown, and MAYBE even suck little thumb. Goy is about 3.5 inches long. Goy weighs 1.5 ounces. Goy's body is growing faster than the head, now. Goy is also starting to grow hairs! Also, Goy's liver is making bile and Goy's spleen is helping to make red blood cells. Goy's hands and feet are about half and inch long :)

Also, I was subjected to a presentation on a Summer B study abroad program in Rome. I want to go so badly and, unfortunately, cannot since I'm not allowed to do much travel past 30 weeks pregnant (The trip would go from June 26th to the August 5th). August 5th will put me at 36 and a half weeks. As cool as it would be for Goy to have dual citizenship (since the possibility of going into labor a little over three weeks early is great), I don't really want to be an ocean away from my family and friends on the scariest, yet happiest, day of my life (so far). Plus, money is an issue. I can't just pull $4,500 out of my butt, although that would be rather lovely (not to see, but to do). So, I've resigned myself to the fact that I will have to wait 'til next year and, when the time comes, find someone to watch Goy for 6 weeks. Perhaps this is where baby daddy's major role will come in.

Well, unfortunately, this is all I have time to write. I'm really sorry. However, spring break is only two days away and I will be able to write at least once a day during that time. Ciao!

P.S. This is my first post in March!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Enough About Me...


Tuesday, March 1st, marks the end of my first trimester. Can you believe it? I tell ya one thing, being pregnant sure has tried my patience. Throughout my life, patience has never been a popular weapon in my aresenal. I'm just not very good at being patient. However, never in my life, has it been harder to wait. Unfortunately, unlike other things that require patience, this process cannot be hurried and the outcome cannot be forced to arrive more quickly (for the most, and safest, part) than at its own, sluggish pace. I am, along with every other pregnant woman and anxious fathers/father-to-be, subjected to the prospect of a FORTY WEEK WAIT (which can vary, as most people know). When we learn about pregnancy, we are told that it is a 9 month process. This is a lie. It is much closer to ten months. To be fair, two to three weeks are dedicated to a small time before your conception, starting with the first day of your last period. But, still, WE ARE PROGRAMMED TO THINK NINE MONTHS!

I see women who look like they are going to birth an elephant when they are 30 weeks pregnant. People say, "Wow! You look like you're ready!" Truly, they look like their child is MORE than ready and about come out moody and pimply, tweenaged and ready to go through puberty. You can only imagine that they will have reached young adulthood by the time those last ten weeks are finally over. I realize that I will probably be one of these women. Why? Genetics. People thought my mom was going to go into labor right in front of them and produce a set of cooing triplets. Perhaps they were saddened by the fact that, no, only one child was going to come out, and probably not for several more weeks. That child was me. Now, I was a big baby, but not monstrous. The average weight for a newborn baby is 7 pounds, 8 ounces. I was 8 pounds, 13 ouces. Although not quite the feared 9 pound baby, I was still rather big. My older sister and I were both the same weight and length (20 1/2 inches long) when we were born. My mother thought they had mixed up the records when she was told my weight and length, since we were both born in the same hospital. I'm also sure that, in order to spite me, my baby's father will have been an enormous elephant baby as well, making my pregnant belly (and birthing pain) that much more extreme.

However, God bless genetics as well. My mother came out of pregnancy with no stretch marks, having gained only thirty pounds (which she easily shed because she is the most incredible mommy ever, and I truly hope that I'm like her with my children [and not just with the weight loss]). My grandmother's skin and weight was rather resilient, as well. Even MORE spectacular, both my grandmother and mother had extremely short labor. When I first found out I was pregnant, I asked my mom about her labor with my sister and me. I was a C Section, but my sister was natural birth (and I mean ALL natural without any painkillers). She said, that for both of us, she was in labor for an hour and half (I was an emergency C Section, thankfully with just enough time to give my mom the proper pain killers so she could be awake when I was born; however, since it was an emergency, my mother was 10 cm dialated and ready to push by the time they decided she had to have a C Section). For my sister, she was only pushing for thirty minutes. So I am SUPER excited that I won't have the dreaded 20 hour labor with 2 hours of pushing.

Even if I am in labor forever and a day, I KNOW it will all be worth it. I can't wait for Goy to get here. I'm starting to have images pop in my head of what little Goy is going to look like and, if I do say so myself, they have all be EXTREMELY cute. I see lots of thick, brown hair in my future, as well as big brown eyes (although, they could be blue. I have blue eyes in my family, as well, so perhaps this recessive trait will come out). I wonder if Goy will look like me...

Shameless Promotion

A friend of mine confessed yesterday that she really digs my blog. In fact, this is what she said:
"Oh my gosh I am so behind on reading your blog. It's wonderful, you know. You should probably be a writer. Make it into a book, something like that. It's gold I tell ya, GOLD."
She also suggested that I do some promotion for my blog:
"Well we should work on gettin it out there!!! :P you're onl[y] a third of the way through, there's many more blog to be written!!! Many more opportunities to get noticed"
So, here it is, a start to my promotion. If you like reading my blog, that's incredibly awesome. I enjoy writing it, so we make a good team. My purpose in starting this blog was not about entertaining the masses and possibly getting my foot in the door to the writing party. I started it in hopes that friends and family would read it and stay updated (partially selfish, seeing that I didn't want to repeat the same facts and stories over and over again). However, if something more can be accomplished from my blog, then who am I to deny it such success? Therefore, I've decided to promote.


Idea #1: If you like and read my blog often, become a follower. This helps my blog to show up more easily in searches, and can also help my blog be recommended to other readers.

Idea #2: Share it with your friends. If every person who read my blog and became a follower shared it with 5 other people... well, you are all smart. You can do the math.

Idea #3: I'm nominating my blog for Blogger's Choice Awards. Maybe take a second to vote. Here's the link. Vote For Goy's Debut! Goy is in four sections, so, if you're gonna vote, make sure to vote in all four.

Like I said, if nothing comes from this, I'm perfectly fine with that. My reasoning to begin the blog didn't include popularity. So, I thoroughly hope that everyone who reads this just enjoys it and is able to get a good bit of entertainment. Thanks!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh, And...

Here are some new belly pictures. I'm 13 weeks and 4 days, but I took them yesterday. This means I'm almost done with my first trimester!

Ha ha, with my maternity pants on.

13 weeks and 3 days.

About my previous post (Bad Parenting), I wrote all of those. I did not find them on the internet. It is my opinion of bad parenting. However, I feel most of them are of a universal opinion. I'm sure it's controversial and that some of you will be mad at me for writing them (which probably means you fit some of the descriptions), but go ahead. I've never been one to stray from confrontation in fear of people being offended by my opinions. Unfortunately, there are far too many bad parents in this world. I wish there was something I could do about it.

Are You A Good Parent?

Have you ever wondered if you're a good parent? Bad parent? Well, here are some ways I've compiled that can help you decide:

1) If there are more pictures on your facebook of you partying and drunk with your friends than of you spending time with your children, you're probably a bad parent.

2) If you're dating white trash with no ambitions or goals, and with no apparent morals, you're probably a bad parent.

3) If you're more focused on your own drama instead of what is going on with you're children, you're probably a bad parent.

4) If you're children spend more time with your parents or your baby's mom's/dad's parents than with you, you're probably a bad parent.

5) If you have no desire to better your life in order to better the lives of your children, and just decide to live as poor, white, trash for the rest of eternity, therefore making your kids poor white trash, you're probably a bad parent.

6) If you encourage your children to drink, smoke, or do drugs by drinking, smoking, or doing drugs with them, you're probably a bad parent.

7) If you hit your children unnecessarily or because you don't know how else to take out your frustration with them, you're probably a bad parent.

8) If you treat your children like they are your peers and ONLY your peers, you're probably a bad parent.

9) If you have to have food stamps to feed your kids and welfare to help take care of them, but still manage to smoke pot and cigarettes, buy alcohol, and have an iPhone, you're probably a bad parent.

10) If you're children fear you because they're scared instead of fear you out of respect, you're probably a bad parent.

11) If you are constantly sleeping around and bringing new people home to have sex with while your children are there, you're probably a bad parent.

12) If you are as immature as your children, you're probably a bad parent.

13) If you're more preoccupied with what other people think about you than what your children think about you, you're probably a bad parent.

14) If you don't know basic safety for your child (such as strapping them in properly) and you've never taken the time to learn (or perhaps just neglect basic child safety), you're probably a bad parent.

If you can relate with several of these things, I feel bad for your children. Don't bother having more. In fact, give away the ones that you have to people who actually know how to be good parents.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday... A Tribute

Tomorrow and Sunday mark the days of something I don't recall ever happening before: Thursday is coming to the same state as me and I don't get to see them :( These would have been my 8th and 9th Thursday shows. You can never have too much of your favorite.

Although their style has changed and been tweaked over the years, the core of Thursday is always there: first and foremost, the group effort. No one instrument is more important than another, just like the vocals are nothing without the rest of the band. They are all prominently displayed, if not all in one song, then more or less in another. Take “Division Street”, a prime example for a guttural focus on bass and rhythm, which a secondary sound of a peaky guitar riff. Then switch focus to “This Song Brought To You By A Falling Bomb” where the piano takes over and sweeps into motion, carrying and running with the softness of Geoff Rickly’s voice so beautifully that you can’t help but let it move you in some way. The helpless sadness seems to almost turn into a harsh sadness, an anger, towards the end, upset that the person this song is written about has to feel this way.  It’s the crescendo, the climax, the breaking point… “ But the footsteps are getting’ louder, drownin’ out the sound of the rain as it knocks on the window sill. I’m not answering the phone, let it ring. Lately I’ve been feeling like a fallin’ bomb. The ground is getting closer and the sky… is falling… down.”

 This Song Brought To You By A Falling Bomb
Division Street

Another amazing this about their music is the reprieve that every song takes from its path. The heavy and charged songs perhaps get a little quieter, the lamenting songs see a brighter light. I believe that these are called “bridges” in the musical world, but they are so much more than that. The purpose of these sections is not to fill a “role” of a bridge. They are there to complete the song, to bring it to greater depths.

Now, lead singer, Geoff Rickly, is not only phenomenal of his own accord, but he is my hero as a lyricist and musician, employing passion that is unprecedented by any other. His use of imagery, metaphor, simile… they are all so amazing. You listen to his lyrics and think, “Wow, I can practically feel, smell, taste, hear, see EVERYTHING he is saying. I’m right there, in the song. I AM the song.” His writing is an example to me. I’ve often written pieces that borrow his lack of structure, his use of connotation, personification… I swear, he has a degree in creative writing, or he was born with a complete knowledge of words and literary devices.

 Did I mention tough? He smashed his face on the microphone when he was swinging it around, but, dammit, he finished his set.

I just read an article about their new, upcoming CD (which is released the day after my ultrasound, four days after my birthday, so, just putting it out there, it would be a rad birthday gift) and listened to their single, “Magnets Caught In A Metal Heart”. Granted, this isn’t what I was expecting from Thursday, but it was amazing, none the less. It also retains plenty of elements from Thursday’s past albums. When listening to the song, it felt like a mixture of A City By The Light Divided, with some choice elements from War All The Time and Common Existence. It ends abruptly, I wasn’t ready for it. Even now, I’m sitting here, having just listened to it again, not sure exactly what I was writing when it ended. Geoff Rickly comments about the unusual characteristics of the song in an article, saying, "It was really fun to write a pop song and not be writing it because we think we might have some chance at getting a radio hit or because our label wanted us to. It's ‘cause we don't give a fuck about punk kids telling us it's not punk to write a pop song." This is honest. This is what music is about: writing and singing and playing what you WANT to play, not what everyone says you should. He then goes on to explain why it’s the single for this album: "This is a really different record and we thought we should just come out of the gates with a really different song… If our die hard fans heard the heavy songs first, like the heavy, passionate 'Past and Future Ruins' or 'Turnpike Divides,' is it false advertising, basically? It's like a warning for our fans: You're not going to get the record you think you're going to get." And bless them for it. Bring on something different, something fresh. And I’m not saying anything bad about their previous albums, especially their first three full albums (this is to exclude Five Stories Falling, their live album, which actually contains one of my favorite Thursday songs, perhaps my favorite of all time, “Jet Black New Year”). They could re-release a mixture of Waiting, Full Collapse, and War All The Time and I would be ecstatic. But this is progression, this is moving forward.
I could go on writing another nearly 900 words about this amazing group of people, but I think you all just need to experience Thursday for yourselves. So go do it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm So Busy...

BUT, I promised to write. Even though I'm SUPER TIRED and have and ENTIRE book to read. Before Friday.

Monday Doctor's Appointment: So I met with my doctor on Monday, Dr. Stevens. I was super excited to have a female doctor... Until I realized that she would have a male med student tailing her the whole time, and I mean the WHOLE time. This was rather uncomfortable when it came time for my "downstairs" check-up (which is a rather unpleasant experience to begin with without a male med student ogling behind my doctor). The whole GYN part of the OB/GYN visit was just rather weird; I felt like I was at the circus, and I was the main event.: nurses were walking in and out, we had Mr. prying med student gazing into the depths of MOI, Dr. Stevens poking and prodding; the only person who DIDN'T see my privates was my mom, which I thought was kind of funny, considering she birthed me. So I just kept looking at her, smiling like there was nothing unusual going on in my nether region.

 But wait! Lots of good news, too! First, we talked about my health (Do you have diabetes? No. Do you have heart problems? No. Do you have...? NO, NO, NO!), then we proceeded to talk about how my pregnancy has been so far. Finally came time to look for Goy's heartbeat! Dr. Steven's told me NOT to freak out if there was no heartbeat, because 12-13 weeks is pretty much the earliest you can hear the heartbeat. So we searched and searched and searched. At last, there is was. But we didn't hear it for long: Goy loves to swim around and was outta that spot in no time. My doctor also said that Goy was probably behind my uterus, which was why it was so hard to find in the first place. However, it was still such a blessing even if I only got the hear it for a few seconds.

Second really good thing: All my blood work was fine and I DON'T HAVE HIV!!! Ha ha. What a relief that was (in case you're not so bright, this is a joke. I knew I didn't have HIV). My blood count is normal, my blood pressure is good, I don't have gestational diabetes, etc.,etc. So that was all good news. And I won't have to give more blood 'til much later on in my pregnancy. I'll also have to have another Glucose test around that same time.

That was pretty much the entirety of the appointment. Well, she did push on my belly alot and do other weird things that I won't go into graphic detail about (it felt alot like being violated... ugh). We scheduled my next appointment (April 8th, my birthday, and three days before my ultrasound). She told me that if I have any worries I could call or go to the ER... and that was it. I said farewell to her and her leeching med student accompaniment and proceeded to my Organic Chemestry class.

And there we have it: The story of my first REAL prenatal doctor's appointment! Au revoir!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Okay, So TODAY, Oh, Today

My doctor's appointment on Friday was not actually one where I got to see a doctor. Therefore, no heartbeat listening. But TODAY is the day.

Friday, at the appointment, we took care of gettting me in the system, figuring out my insurance (I'm 100% covered by Medicaid! Thank God), going over a bunch of pregnancy stuff, and getting bloodwork. My nurse was fantastic, I really like her. Oh, and best part... I GET A FEMALE DOCTOR! That is fabulous. I understand that male OB/GYNs are proficient in their job and very good at it, I'm sure, but they are MEN. They will never experience what I'm experience, they will never know how it really is to be pregnant even though they know the ins and outs of pregnancy. Even more, he will NEVER have a vagina. I'd like my doctor to have a vagina since she will be examing mine. Not exactly a comfortable experience with an unfamiliar male (or familiar male, at that... except for certain experiences, which I'm positive you all can figure out. However, even in familiarity, I'd rather not be EXAMINED. Sounds embarrassing from all points of view).

As far as my blood work went, I had to have a glucose test. That meant I had to drink this super, overly sweet, orange drink. It tasted like what I would imagine pure soda syrup to taste like.
Then, I had to wait an hour for this orange drink filled with glucose to scour through my system. When I came back, it was time to give blood!

That's pretty much all about my doctor's appointment. OOOOH! My ultrasound is on April 11th. So put your votes in on the sex of the baby and we'll see how many of you were right.

I'll be sure to post another blog tonight after I hear the baby's heartbeat. I'll even try to put a soundclip up. We'll see if it works. But, in the meantime, enjoy this beautiful day. Ciao!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Today, Oh, Today

Today is the day. The day for which I have been waiting since January. Today, Goy becomes even more real. Today, I get to hear my first child's heartbeat. I can't even describe how excited I am. That's quite a feat since I am one in ownership of a rather large vocabulary, if I do say so myself.

Now, I've heard about this experience and milestone from other moms-to-be. The description that I get about it is usually: "It was amazing, indescribable. You'll fall in love with your baby." Now, that sounds about right. However, I also feel like it is SO much more than that (which, I believe, is how the word "indescribabe" gets included in the description). It is... evidence. Evidence of creation. I don't care if you believe in God, aliens, mother earth, etc., suddenly, your belief becomes real. For those of you that believe in nothing, I have a feeling (even though I haven't actually had my appointment yet) that you will second guess your disbelief when you realize that there is a heart beating inside your body that is not your own.

With that being said, hearing Goy's heartbeat is not the ONLY reason why today is a wonderful day. I shall make a list:

1. Goy's heartbeat
2. My mom (AKA Mommy, coolest parent on earth, along side my dad, AKA Daddy) is coming up here to have lunch with me, attend my appointment where she will hear her FIRST grandchild's heartbeat, and then bring me back home with her... after my 4:05 class, but THAT'S OKAY!
4. It is absolutely magnificent out. Quite possibly the loveliest weather we've had all year.

I will try to keep up with the writing this weekend. And I will even try to post another blog today about hearing Goy's heartbeat. With that being said, I bid you adieu. Go outside and enjoy this beautiful day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Names, Names, Names, Names!

I tell you what, we are definitely not on short supply of extremely lovely names. Although I love the names I've picked out, I just keeping seeing other ones that grab my attention. So I must keep reminding myself of two things:

1. Goy hasn't been born, the birth certificate hasn't been filled out, so I still have time to change my mind.
2. I'm going to have more kids. Goy isn't the only one that I get to  name.

I mean, when you have names like Stella, Cassiopeia, Kalliope, and Penelope, how can you possibly pick just ONE?!?! (Well, two, I guess, if you are planning on using an extravagant middle name). And talk about boy names... Do I want something really masculine? Or what about something beautiful and classic? I think I'm stuck on the name Jasper. But, goodness, what about the name Jack? Doesn't that just ooze manliness? Whouldn't you like to be held by a man named Jack on a dramatic, stormy night, when you've somehow become lost? You'll be standing there, curls plastered againsts your back, your satin night gown soaked, your body chilled to the bone. Then, out of nowhere, comes manly Jack, who is now holding you tight and assuring you that everything is going to be okay.

How about Gage (second "g" sounds like a "j" for those who aren't very good with the English language)? That is totally a bad boy name. Looks like we'll be staying away from that one (although, if there's a man out there named Gage who is tall, dark, and handsome, I'm single).

Then there's the classic, handsome, "I'm going to go to Harvard" name, like Jasper. Oh, Jasper.

Then you get names that mean something, names that mean absolutely nothing, names that you think should mean something but don't mean anything...

What about names like Drew and Dylan for a girl? You know, give her a little tough side. Granted, I don't like either of those names, but some unisex names have crossed my mind. Then again, I have a unisex name and I don't think it's super fabulous, to be honest. I like my name, but I don't think it gives me some edge on life, or a feeling of superiority because I wasn't named to be "girlie".

I always come back to Stella. Stella, a princess, but a warrior princess. Any little girl of mine is going to be tough as nails. Also, much easier to spell than Cassiopeia (although I still love the name). Hmmm... thankfully, I have a little over six months to overthink this even more. But for now, I think I've talked myself into sticking with Stella and Jasper.

If you have any name suggestions, feel free to spell 'em out.

Or... I could give Goy more than one middle name... 2 wouldn't be so bad... or 3... 4 might even be cute...

Monday, February 14, 2011

FAQ #2

This post is, obviously, MORE frequently asked questions! I'm also posting some anticipated questions. Once again, if you have a question that isn't answered on here, feel free to ask it in the comments!

Q: Is it a boy or a girl?
A: I HAVE NO IDEA! I'm only 12 weeks (tomorrow), and that's too early to find out.

Q: When will you be able to find out the sex?
A: Most likely (since I have Medicaid) at 20 weeks. This is because I will  probably only get one ultra sound (if the baby is healthy and I don't have any complications), which they usually do about half way through the pregnancy.

Q: Do you want to know the sex or do you want it to be a surprise?
A: It's a suprise either way. Why would it be any more surprising to find out at the birth than at week 20? So, yes, of course I want to know the sex as soon as possible.

Q: Are you planning on dating/marrying the baby's dad?
A: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Q: Do you want any other kids?
A: Yeah, but definitely a long time (six years?) from now. Or whenever I get married and decide to have more children.

Q: How many more do you want?
A: I don't know, probably one or two.

Q: Are you going to get an epidural?
A: ABSOLUTELY. I have no qualms with the idea of being "drugged up" while pushing a watermelon through a hole the size of a grape.

Q: Are you going to avoid a C-section until you absolutely, undeniably have to have one?
A: Yes. C-sections are major surgery which would keep me in the hospital longer. And is there anyone out there who is excited at the idea of being cut completely open? If so, I am not one of you. Plus, it would be great to be able to have my mom in there with me. I'm not sure if she could watch me be cut open, though. Basically, the idea of vaginal childbirth is much more appealing (even though it sounds horrible, as well).

Q: Who are you going to have in the delivery room with you?
A: Well, definitely my mom. She's super encouraging and I know she'll take care of me. The second person will probably be my friend, Lori, because she's tough. Plus, she's almost like a second mom/best friend/sister. I know between Lori and my mom, I'll be as comfortable as I can, and they will encourage me and cheer me on when I really feel like giving up.

I think that's all for now!

FAQ #1

A friend of mine suggested that I make a post for Frequently Asked Questions. What a great idea! I will try to answer a few on this post before I have to go to class (Organic Chemistry... EEWWWIEE. But I'm trying to like it). I will post more as time goes on and more questions develop.

Q: Are you planning on keeping Goy after Goy is born?
A: Absolutely. I can't wait to be a mommy, and Goy is my little special gift. At first, I was planning on giving Goy up for adoption, so that might be where some confusion has come from concerning this question.

Q: When is your due date?
A: August 30th! Although, I'm hoping to have Goy on August 27th because that's my Daddy's birthday! Everyone, keep your fingers crossed!

Q: How far along are you?
A: Tomorrow (2/15), I will be 12 weeks. Every Tuesday marks the start of a new week.

Q: How are you parents taking it?
A: Of course they were disappointed at first (and may still be), but they are coming along with the idea of being grandparents. My dad is having a harder time accepting this than my mom, but I think he is starting to get excited. They are both extremely supportive and I know they will love Goy just as much as I do.

Q: What about the rest of your family? Are they excited?
A: My sister (whom I speak to about once a month) is definitely excited. She has a nephew already, but it is on her husband's side, so this is going to be a little different. My grandparents are having a hard time adjusting to the fact that I'm keeping Goy, but they are very supportive. It's such a blessing to have wonderful grandparents like them! As far as my aunt and uncle (and cousins) go, I've only spoken to my aunt about it. Once again, not sure about excited, but definitely supportive. However, I'm positive that excitement will grow rapidly once everyone completely adjusts and as I get closer to my due date.

Q: Do you want a boy or a girl?
A: I want a healthy child. Also, I don't want to get my hopes up for one or the other. Plus, I don't want Goy to feel unloved if Goy is not the "right" sex. Babies can feel emotion, ya know. Not to mention, there are pros and cons for both sexes, and I honestly can't choose which one I want! Therefore, I'm sticking to the answer of, "I want a healthy child".

Q: Is the dad involved?
A: As of right now, no. But who knows what will happen. All I know (as of yet) is that I will be filing for child support once Goy is born. We will see what happens from there.

Q: What are you going to do about school?
A: I will take Fall 2011 semester off (Goy's due date is about a week after classes start) so I can take care of an infant. We will be living with my parents for this period of time. Then, Goy and I will be moving back up to Gainesville for Spring 2012 and Summer 2012 semesters. Those should be my last two semesters for my undergraduate degree.

Q: What are you going to do AFTER school?
A: Goy and I will be coming back home after I finish my Bachelor's degree. Part of my degree is a minor in Science Education, so I will be able to get a job as a high school science teacher while I get my Master's degree at USF (I wanted to get my Master's degree at UF, but it will be easier to be close to family). This way, I can support Goy and myself!

Q: What are you going to name Goy?
A: Even though I've become attached to the name "Goy", I don't think I should use it as a permanent name for my child. So, for a boy, Jasper Baxley Conte. For a girl, Stella Noëlle Conte. (Noëlle is my middle name). There is still room for adjustment, but I think these are it.

Q: How are you feeling so far?
A: I had some nausea early on, which was accompanied with occasional vomitting, but, thankfuly, that has passed for the most part. I'm still feeling tired, but my energy is starting to pick back up. I get occasional cramps, but nothing worrisome. Right now, I mostly just feel fat. It's awful. But I have to keep reminding myself that I'm growing a BABY, which is kind of a big deal, and that no one expects me to be a supermodel. Also, I am definitely emotional. Just ask my roomie, Courtney. But don't really. She has some pretty embarrassing stories. However, the absolute WORST thing is having to pee all the time. It's so inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Q: Have you had any weird cravings?
A: No. Plain and simple, just no.

Q: Are you still smoking? What about drinking?
A: Of course not. Give me some credit.

Q: Are you goin to breastfeed?
A: Yes, I really want to. People keep telling me take a class about it, so I'm considering doing this. WE WERE MADE TO BREASTFEED! It's the best thing for our babies!

Well, I must go take a shower before class. Please, let me know if there are other questions! I'd rather answer them on here so that I don't have to say the same thing over and over and over and over!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted all weekend! I've been in Jacksonville to see my best friend. Mostly it was sitting around doing nothing. But we did a couple of fun things, the most eventful of which was shopping! I succeeded in getting my first pair of maternity pants. I know, super exciting.

I wish I didn't love accessories so much. I always wanna spend all my money on the unnecessary, yet beautiful and lavish things, such as: jewelry, glasses, scarves, bags, etc. Jewelry is my main weakness. However, I actually NEEDED a purse because I was currently using (only for the one day) a plastic grocery bag. I figured that allowed me to get a purse WITHOUT the guilt of an unnecessary purchase.

I will leave you all with that (I'm writing this on my phone in the car on the way home, and I'm starting to get car sick), but will update more later.

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quick Baby Update

So, I think I've pretty much brought this blog up to speed, as far as important events go. I've started to take belly pictures. For those of  you who don't see them on Facebook, I will put them here.

 These first two are 10 weeks, 5 days

11 weeks, 2 days. A little bit of difference.

I'm anxiously awaiting my upcoming doctor's appointment (next Friday!) and I'm crossing my finger that, since it will be the end of my first trimester, I will be allowed to hear Goy's heartbeat. I'm also really nervous that things won't go well (as far as going to listen to the heartbeat and it not being there). But I'm trying to remind myself of what my mom always says: "Worry builds bridges over rivers you may never have to cross." So I'm trying to make that my mantra. Really, I just want someone to tell me that my baby is okay.

Well, I have to go be a dork and watch Harry Potter. BYYEEE.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gator Baby

I've been experiencing a want to buy baby clothes and baby things ever since I decided to keep Goy. I've tried not to act upon this urge since I don't know if Goy is going to be a boy or a girl, and I'm not terribly fond of the pastel yellow that people seem to associate with a nongendered baby. However, as most urges go, something must be done to make them subside.

Courtney and I took one of our semi-usual trips to Walmart (sometimes we go to Target if we don't really NEED anything, but just have the urge to look). I can't remember exactly what we went there for, I think maybe a case of bottled water since I go through a 24 pack in about five days.
Then again, I could be wrong. We may have gone to Walmart just to go to Walmart. But either way, I had, once again, this strong urge to go look at all the baby stuff, even though I KNEW that I shouldn't, because I would want to buy all of these clothes that just might be wrong for my baby. However, I went anyway. I grinned broadly as I looked at all of the cute, little, tiny clothing, in all of these different styles adjusted for the use of miniature humans. I picked up a Newborn sweater, quite scholarly in appearance, and imagined Goy (as a boy, of course) looking so dignified, sitting in his car seat wearing this adorable, gray sweater. I clutched it to my chest and carried it around with me, while I looked at other baby attire. I had picked out a second article of clothing by the time Courtney found me (she had taken a separate expedition to the bathroom).
"Alex, you don't even know if Goy is going to be a boy or a girl."
"But they're only a few dollars! And I think they look kinda unisex!"
"Alex, they look like boy clothes."
I succumbed to her wisdom and, sadly, put back the little treasures.
"I want to buy baby clothes!" I whined.
Then, a thought struck me... I'm a Gator... which  means that Goy is going to be a baby Gator... and baby Gator onesies HAVE to be considered unisex. I expressed my feeling to Courtney, and she told me about a corner of the Walmart that had strictly Gator stuff.
"I'm sure it has baby clothes," she said.
I rushed to the Gator corner and, there inseed, was baby Gator apparrel: baby cheerleading outfits, baby football jerseys, baby everything. And then, in a small corner of the corner, were the baby Gator onesies. How fabulous! I could fulfill my urge to buy baby clothes without having to buy those ugly, pastel yellow outfits! I picked out a set of two for babies 3 to 6 months.

And that, my friends, is the story of my first purchase for my precious, little Goy. THE END!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Once Again...

I have to disappoint all of my readers (I feel like such a stud when I say that) and not post another full blog tonight. I promised my roomie (Courtney) that we could finish watching The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers tonight. Epic. Goy is definitely going to be a LOTR/Tolkein/Harry Potter/Fantasy-stories-in-general junkie. I think it's a craving for me, but it started before my pregnancy and will last for the rest of my life. So maybe not a craving at all, just a love of mine. (Someone PLEASE take me to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter? Spring break is coming up fast, and my birthday is a month after! It could be a great gift! Just putting the idea out there. OOOH!! You know what would be a rad baby shower gift? A Harry Potter outfit for Goy! Oh my goodness, now I have Halloween costume ideas for at least the first ten years of Goy's childhood...  this is great... this is what freewriting is all about, right? Letting ideas just flow and blossom! Ah but I'm getting ahead of myself... it happens quite often. Thinking about Goy stimulates my mind and thinking about my favorite stories stimulates my mind, perhaps making a dangerous combination. Am I still writing in between parentheses? Oh well.)

Back to the main point: Sorry. Tomorrow I have a whole three hours of free time. I will write a new blog during that time. Until then, I bid you adieu.

A Big Step (As Opposed to Baby Step)

Okay, so a couple big things happened between the story in my last real post and the current date. The first big thing was: Doctor's appointment!

I had my first appointment for my pregnancy on January 20th. There wasn't much to do with the baby, and pretty much all to do with me. I was asked a series of questions before seeing the nurse (at least, I think she was a nurse?):
I felt that I was fairly honest with all of the questions. No reason to lie, right? Well, my roommate got a kick out of it for sure (Courtney accompanied me, even though she wasn't allowed in the room). I got called in to see the nurse where she proceeded to weigh me (ICK, hate that part; it's never satisfactory), take my blood pressure (excellent), and my pulse (average). She asked me about  any medications I was taking. When I told her about my antidepressant, she was very adamant that I NOT stop taking it. I was extremely relieved, since I'm not sure how well I'd be if I was told to stop. I probably would have ignored the demand and continued taking it anyway. When we discussed the reason for my visit, she seemed very excited. Obviously, we don't get a lot of undergraduate preggers at University of Florida. When I asked about any prenatal care they provided, she informed me that they don't provide any because they like to go in the other direction: Prevention. We both acknowledged the fact that it was a LITTLE late for that in my case. But she was very enthusiastic, and told me to call for anything (as she handed me her card). She informed me that I would be going to Shands Medical Plaza for my prenatal care. Karen (the nurse) then calculated my due date (her calculations said September 1st, but everything else I've looked at has said August 30th) and gave me a pregnancy test so that I could finish my application for Medicaid.

Peeing in cups is definitely not an easy thing as a female. I thought I had it positioned correctly, but apparently not. Thankfully, I only peed on my hand, the cup (with a little urine actually INSIDE the cup) and not all over my clothing (which, I'm assuming, could have happened. I'm thankful that it didn't). I think maybe the misdirection was due to the fact that I KNEW I was going to be asked to pee for a pregnancy test, so I drank a bunch of water before I went to my appointment. By the time I was asked to pee in the cup, I was on the verge of bursting. Perhaps that's not an ideal way to approach the cup. It was quite an episode, and I think that it would have made a rather comical scene had anyone else been allowed to view it (unsuspected by moi) from a one way mirror (although, I think I would have been a little wary of a wall sized mirror in a student health clinic bathroom. I'll never know until it happens.)

I turned over my washed off pee cup to the care of Nurse Karen. She had gloves on, so I felt a little relieved that she wouldn't be touching my pee, even though I'm sure it's clean. I went and sat back in the room where most of the "interrogation" (going along with my one way mirror theory) had taken place. When she came back into the room, she was holding a rectangular pregnancy test with the urine pad in the middle (I'm assuming the are strictly for professional use, since most people don't have throw-away droppers at home). It was positive, something that I already knew. She even told me that the second line showed up right away, which she found amusing (I guess I have strong pregnancy hormones, because all my positive pregnancy tests were like that).

After she recorded my positive pregnancy test and my due date on a sheet for me to send to Medicaid, our visit was almost over. I expressed my feelings about weight gain during pregnancy (I believe I told her I didn't wanna be a fat whale by the time the baby was born) and we scheduled a visit to a school nutritionist (which was cool, but nothing to write home about... or update my blog about). Then she gave me a bunch of pamphlets about pregnancy, and when she handed me the pamphlet called "Are You Ready for a Baby?" she laughed outloud and said, "Too late for that one, but here you go anyway". All together, I think I enjoyed her company. I was disappointed that I couldn't keep her as my main nurse.

So, as everyone can see, my Dr.'s appointment went well. I was making my way to being covered for my pregnancy and for my baby, and I'm much farther in the process now. This is where I'll leave off, but I'll post another tonight to make up for my hiatus!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Sorry for not posting anything new. I'm extremely busy preparing for two upcoming exams, both tomorrow. Goy is doing well, I suppose. Probably just kicking around and doing cool stuff that embryos do. I will try to post an update/story tomorrow. SO SO much to do. Once again, Sorry!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wild Fire

Right now, I’m sitting with my roommate, Courtney, and her best friend, Rachel, while they play video games. I’ll try to stay focused though.
In the second week of school, I had every class that I would have for the rest of the semester, unlike the first week, where I only had one class (it was a nice start). Since I was lacking one last class for a general education requirement, I’ve been forced (well, it’s really not bad… rather interesting, with some stimulating class discussions) to take a health class. It wasn’t too shocking that a great deal of my classmates are freshmen.
On the first day of health, we had to do one of those “getting to know you and getting lots of contact information” assignments. The only reason I like these is because they take up class time, so I usually don’t have to worry about learning during the first lesson. For this assignment, we were given a sheet of paper with a BINGO board on it. However, instead of numbers in the boxes, there were sentences: “I have siblings”… “I was on a UF sports team”… “I was blah blah blah”. You were supposed to go around to people and introduce yourself; they would sign a box that applies to them and give you their email address. (Courtney’s guinea pig just bit Rachel’s neck!) The purpose was to get every box filled. One of the boxes said, “I have children.” When I started to go around to people, I realized that no one had this particular box filled, so I decided to justify being pregnant as eligibility to sign the box. I did this for three people. Then, people started to come up to me and ask if I was the pregnant girl and, if so, would I please sign there box. Well yes, yes I was, indeed, the pregnant girl. After a short while, I had a LINE of people waiting for my signature. I felt like a famous person doing a poster or book signing. Some people didn’t even know what they were in line for, but they figured that it had to be good since so many people were waiting. The questions were prying, and the congratulations flowed out of everyone’s mouths (some not quite sincere and rather valley-girl-ish, some condescending, but most were excited and believable), all the while my little hand was just flying across page after page.
Moral of the story? I’m not sure that there is one… Or there could be multiple:
-          Never tell unknown people that you’re pregnant.
-          Everyone likes a pregnant  lady.
-          No matter what the situation, people can and will use you.
-          If you tell a person you’re pregnant, be ready to answer lots of questions.
-          If you tell multiple people you’re pregnant, be ready to answer all the same questions over and over and over again.
-          If you’re young and pregnant, you will get judged (especially if there’s no ring on your finger).
-          “Getting to know you” time in class can actually work.
No matter what, it’s all worth it.
The End.
P.S. – I have a weird lump in my lower abdomen, on the left side. It’s about an inch and a half long (not wide, it’s kind of like a hot dog shape). Google says this is a water pocket and it is normal. So to the ladies out there who have been pregnant, have you experienced this?